Courses done
A one day course, about:
selection criteria for the breeding bitch and dog
Normal / abnormal heat
Mating / artificial insemination
Pregnancy phases / monitoring options
Birth and postpartum phase
Nutrition of the breeding bitch before and after birth
(SKG, Lecturer: Susi Arnold, Dr. med. vet.)
20 Sep 2020 - BM9: The bitch in breeding
A one day course, about:
Development of puppies up to 3 weeks, nurse rearing
Hereditary and congenital diseases of puppies
(SKG, Lecturer: Susi Arnold, Dr. med. vet.)
Early socialization and behavioral development of the puppies in the first weeks
(SKG, Lecturer: Christa Wermelinger, breeder and dog trainer)
19 Sep 2020 - BM10: Puppy rearing
A one day course, about:
Legal status of dogs, impact for breeders, overview of dog-related legal requirements
Animal welfare aspects for dog breeding
Animal welfare and other important legal regulations for dog breeding
Contractual aspects
Breeding regulations and responsibilities within the SKG and breeding clubs
Liability and insurance
(SKG, Lecturer: Daniel Jung, MLaw)
13 Sep 2020 - BM1: Law in Switzerland
A one day course, about:
Disease criteria and symptoms
Major infectious diseases of the dog
(SKG, Lecturer: Alice Nentwig, Dr. med. vet.)
Prevention and early detection of anatomical and orthopedic problems
brachycephalic syndrome
patella luxation
hip dysplasia HD
elbow dysplasia ED
cruciate ligament
(SKG, Lecturer: Marcel Keller, Dr. med. vet.)
12 Sep 2020 - BM5: Health and disease prophylaxis
A one day course, about:
Constructing and running a nursery - for breeders
Building and operating a dog hotel
Room- and dogbox layout and furnishing
Administration and client communication
(SKG, Lecturers: Barbara Lüdi, breeder and Janine Böhi-Wenger, owner dog kennel and breeder)
22 Aug 2020 - BM3: Construction and operation of a dog nursery / dog kennel/hotel / dog shelter
A one day course, about:
Grooming of healthy and sick dogs
Check vital signs
First aid / emergency management
(SKG, Lecturer: Christoph Rüedi, Dr. med. vet.)
8 Mar 2020 - BM6: Handling & care of the dog
A one day course, covering:
Insight into genetics
Breeding forms and goals
Hereditary diseases and congenital defects in various dogs (breeds)
(SKG, Lecturer: Heinrich Binder, Dr. med. vet.)
9 Nov 2019 - BM2: Basics of dog breeding
27 May 2018 - Sniffing fun for clever dog noses
A one day course, teaching your dog how to search for different articles, or scents (Hundeschule TopTeam)
21 Mar 2015 - Practical course with your dog
6 week course, once a week, at a dog school with your dog. How to handle your dog, how to teach your dog, etc. (Hundeschule TopTeam)
12 Dec 2014 - Theorie about Dogs
Theoretical course about dogs for dog owners before purchasing a dog (was a legal requirement in Switzerland at the time)
It’s official!
My breeder name will be
‘vom Haus Hohenspitz’
and has been accepted and protected by the SKG and FCI.